Jump Starting a Car
So, I’ve not kept promises this year.
I’ve made promises to myself and to anyone who is kind enough to check for my work.
My last blog post (that wasn’t a poem), It’s Ok to Not Be Ok I broke through a creative block to talk about the difficulties I’ve faced this year.
I said I’d follow it up promptly with a positive appraisal of 2020, a celebration of milestones and achievements. Something I desperately needed given every time I think of 2020 all I can recall is the tears, exhaustion and burnout.
Expressing gratitude for the moments of mercy and generosity 2020 has graced me with….it’s a must.
I’m still working on reflecting, appraising and writing about 2020. When I’m done, I’ll share it here. Until then I’ll be publishing and sharing posts I wrote but didn’t put up on my blog.
Writing this, I realise I’ve been guilty of the very thing I criticise other artists of:
Being precious.
Being a perfectionist.
Being scared.
“Tomorrow’s not promised for none of us.”
Ty – I’m Leaving (off of his 4th album “Special Kind of Fool“)
So, I’ll be pouring through drafts of blog posts over the next few weeks and sharing as much of that work as I can while creating new work and sharing that too.
I want to end 2020 strong. In 2021:
I intend to turn up.
I intend to do the work.
I intend to hit the publish button more often.
Nice one Haroon! More power to you (Y)